Your IFB membership connects you with other Independent Financial Advisors.
As a member of IFB, you get the tools to help you understand and navigate the regulatory environment and maintain a compliant practice.
Whether you’re looking to grow, maintain, or transition your business, IFB membership gives you access to an exclusive program for succession and continuity planning.
Earn your annual C.E. credits at high quality educational events, such as Summits, Workshops and Webinars. As an IFB member, you will have access to special rates. Have a look at the upcoming summits and events on our schedule.
Introducing Coming Up Next™, the new way to think about growth for your practice. Exclusive to IFB members, Coming Up Next™ focuses on transition outcomes, discovering opportunities among peers, and making meaningful connections to drive growth for your practice. Find out more by visiting
Magnes, the broker for the IFB E&O program, has once again successfully negotiated the best rates and coverage available to independent brokers – starting from just $795!
IFB membership gives you a seat at the table when the issues affecting your business are discussed.
Accredited CE for licenses and professional designations - on demand at CE Central.
Discounts on courses leading to respected professional designations like the CFP.
Discounts on products and services for your business and lifestyle needs.
PMB 521
2400 Dundas St. W, Unit 6
Mississauga ON, L5K 2R8
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