Your IFB membership connects you with other Independent Financial Advisors.
As a member of IFB, you get the tools to help you understand and navigate the regulatory environment and maintain a compliant practice.
Whether you’re looking to grow, maintain, or transition your business, IFB membership gives you access to an exclusive program for succession and continuity planning.
“After 46 years in the insurance industry, I joined IFB last year! During COVID, they had very engaging seminars on zoom with compelling speakers and factual content. You never felt like you were wasting time by being on the call! As a member, IFB also offers great benefits such as ‘Coming Up Next,’ which is an amazing tool.
I’m looking forward to another great year of fabulous information to help me grow my business.”
“I was an IFB member in the past and let my membership lapse, but I missed being a member so recently I rejoined.
The CE content is really good, organized and helpful. Between the Summits and the CE content, I now have one-stop shopping for my insurance CE credits.
Over the years, I really enjoyed the in-person conferences and really look forward to them. The format allows me time for my creative thoughts to flow and I always leave with one of two great actionable ideas.”
“As a long time member of the Independent Financial Brokers of Canada I benefit from workshops, webinars, and training that enables me to stay up to date on a changing regulatory landscape. However, the key feature of being a member for me is the IFB Errors and Omissions program. As a dually licensed life insurance advisor I have opted to secure my own Errors and Omissions coverage through the IFB group plan. The benefit? I have coverage that is fully portable. Many dealers and MGAs offer E&O programs, however, sometimes these will only cover you for the business you put through that MGA or dealer. Transitioning your business to a new MGA or dealer is stressful enough without having to shop for new E&O coverage. IFB has a great program which is both flexible and cost-effective to ensure that you are protected.”
“I joined IFB because I took over my mentor’s life insurance, employee benefits, and segregated funds clients when he retired, and I am interested in becoming a successor for another advisor in the future. IFB membership is a great way of connecting with experienced advisors; especially those who are interested in finding a younger advisor who can look after their clients when they leave the industry.”
“As I work through a Succession Transfer of my insurance brokerage business after 42 plus years in this industry, I have witnessed a lot of changes. I am an Insurance Broker and as such with all the changes in our industry including Compliance Requirements, Education, Regulatory Support and Timely Information needed, I found an organization that could meet my needs. That organization was IFB. Not only did they endorse my very identity as a bonafide Insurance Broker but also backed my business yearly with Errors and Omissions Insurance. I joined IFB over 20 years ago and have been a member of good standing ever since. I consider the staff at IFB as part of my insurance family and special contributors to my overall security and success as an Insurance Broker. I have met a number of them at IFB Summits and want to thank them for all their professionalism, integrity and help over these many years. In my opinion there is no better organization to represent independent financial professionals than IFB.”
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2400 Dundas St. W, Unit 6
Mississauga ON, L5K 2R8
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